I. Website Navigation
II. Convenience of Experiment:
5. Of the following choices, which best describes the ease of performing the experiments?
Very hard to do,
Got the hang of it quickly,
Very easy to do
6. How many total of visits to the web site did it take you to run all of the assigned experiments? :
7. When did you visit the website most often?
Morning(before 12pm),
Afternoon(before 5pm),
Evening(before 10pm),
Night(before 7am)
8. From where did you visit the website most often?
On-campus computer lab,
At home with cable/dsl,
At home with dial-up modem,
Other (please describe)
9. On average, how long did an experiment take?
Less than 5 minutes,
5 - 10 minutes,
More than 10 minutes
10. How useful did you find the graphs?
Very useful,
OK, just fine,
Not at all useful
11. Did you find the website experience to adequately reflect the experience of working with a shake table 'live'?